Saturday, November 6, 2010

Romeo and Juliet

Compare Don Juan’s philosophy on love with Romeo’s philosophy on love? Which philosophy do you believe in and which one is more realistic?


  1. Don Juan's philosophy on love versus Romeo's were very opposite. Don Juan beleived that a man should be with as many women as he possibly can.He beleived that a man should be a
    "player" and enjoy the pleasure of having diffrenet women because life is too short to waste it on only one woman.

    Romeo on the other hand, believe in finding one woman, falling inlove and spend the rest of your life with that woman.He beleived in love at first sight.

    Even though Don Juan's philosophy is not the right way to go about finding love, I beleive that Don Juan's philosophy is more realistic. I personally do not beleive in love at first sight, an i don't believe that Romeo and Juliet were really inlove. I think that they were more infatuated with each other.Even though Don Jaun's way is wrong i beleive it is a more realistic way to look at finding love.

  2. Don Juan believed that men should experience many women whereas Romeo was looking for his one true love all along. I like the idea of meeting and experiencing many women before deciding that you are settling down with your "true love". I personally believe that you cant get a grip on what love is unless you lose it a few times.

  3. Don Juan the rogue and a libertine, Oh how he enjoys the art seducing women. All women are to be experienced, used up and thrown away for the next conquest.
    Romeo where for art thou, The hapless/hopeless romantic He is of the belief he has found his one and only true love. His "forever girl" till death do they part or in this case join.
    Andrew Oliver @( * o * )@

  4. Don Juan didn’t believe in soul mates, he “loved” more than one woman. He was afraid of relationship, when he hears the word weeding he runs. Romeo was a man of one woman, he believed in soul mates. He just wanted to love one woman, he just had eyes for her and nobody else. I believe, of course, in Romeo’s philosophy of love BUT I think that Don Juan’s philosophy is more realistic. Now a day men change woman like they change clothes and that is vice-versa because women do that too. But I believe in Romeo’s philosophy because I think that when a person falls in love they tend to love only that person and if the love is too “deep” they stay together for the rest of their lives, of course that this is not that common today as it was before but I still believe.

  5. Don Juan’s philosophy on love compared with Romeo’s philosophy on love is totally different because Don Juan's philosophy on love is that he sees that having multiple partners is okay and Romeo's philosophy on love is that he believers in love at first site. I believe in Romeo’s philosophy on love because I found my love and I found it to be love at first site. It seems like Don Juan's philosophy on love is more realistic these days because everyone seems to be swapping partners.

  6. Don Juan was a player who was only looking for the lady of the night, and Romeo was looking for the love of his life. today you wouldn't find a guy like Romeo, but you can find a Don Juan on every street

  7. Don Juan is a person who doesnt seem to believe in love and is looking for lust. Romeo is in seach of his true love. I believe that romeos view of love can become a reality if you work towords it

  8. Don Juan's view was that he would get any girl to fall in love with him and that was it he accomplished what he wanted and was done with her. Romeo and Juliet's concept was love at first sight and don't let anything come between that. There was no games as the one Don Juan played. In today's world most people have a Don Juan view on love because most look out for themselves now. True love like the one we saw with Romeo and Juliet is very rare to find.
