Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do we need drama?

Why do we need stories at all? With all the excitement available in contemporary life, why do people watch plays, films, and television shows that create an imaginary world? Isn't the real world stimulating enough, without imagining other ones?


  1. In my opinion the real world can be stimulating enough for sure, but sometimes it's nice to read a book or watch a movie to escape from the real world and experience something new.

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  3. It is important to have stories becasue it allows you to imagine yourself in a different world. Although the real world is very stimulating, movies, films, books, and plays give you a chance to escape from reality and you can become whoever you want to be regardless of any obstacles. You can be watching Romeo and Juliet and marvel at the idea of being one of those charachters even if its just for a short time.

  4. Theater is life and an escape from life expressed in word and performance. With theater you are able to express stories of love, angst, betrayal, and mystery just to name a few. Performance expression was here at the beginning of communal existence and it will be here at the end.
    Stories are how we have passed down information from generation to generation and play a crucial role in society itself. Storytelling created a level of importance for the person, they’re for elders and tribal leaders were often the original storytellers.
    It is because of the excitement available in contemporary life, why people watch plays, films, and television shows that create an imaginary world. It is an escape, the power to arise curiosity, if only for a moment. The stimulation of the world is uncontrollable at times and it is a controlled environment like a movie or a theater where you can let go and forget you troubles for a few hours.

  5. People watch movies, read books, and watch plays because they want to be entertained and get there mind off of something that's bothering them. So most people rely on television for entertainment, and some people pick up a book and try to create a world they never been in. There are also plays that give people a chance to act and dress different it gives them a chance to play a different role and act different in every day life.

  6. In life there is stress and in the artificial life there seems to be a world of expressing ones self. I know there is a lot of excitement in real life with all the bank robberies, car explosions, natural disasters, and etc., but it seems as though we don't get a chance to show our true colors. When we get a chance to go to the movies to see an action flick, for example, we get to picture what it would be like to be flying around in a helicopter or fighting for our life's against a horde of mad eating zombies. What I am really trying to get at is that it's good to think outside the box because you never want to be stuck inside the same contemporary world you live in now!

  7. Without fiction and plays, this world would have been boring,in my opinion. We need plays and stories to explain things from the past and why do some unexplainable things happen, like the sun for example. People believed and told stories about the sun, which is just a giantic star of gas,being a god. In conclusion storytelling and movies help people express theirselves and sometimes even educate them. Without films and stories that creat imaginary worlds everything would have just been plain and boring, a world of black and white with no color or fun. Now imagine that!

  8. in my opinion we need stories because we need an "escape" from real life.We watch plays, films, and television shows to entertain us and relieve some of our day to day stress.

  9. Drama means to act. A play is a story acted out. It shows people going through some eventful period in their lives, seriously or humorously. The speech and action of a play recreate the flow of human life. Dramatic performance involves an intricate process of rehearsal based upon imagery inherent in the dramatic text. The dramatic text presents the drama as a range of verbal imagery, which as two parts: on one hand, an intensely theatrical and ritualistic manner; and on the other, an almost exact reproduction of real life.
    Drama is very important in life because it is a means by which one can express one's selves in reality, especially without hurting someones feelings. Stories are created or used for people to remove themselves form this world, and live in a world purely made up of their own imagination. Drama and stories co-exist, because without them this world would truly be dull. Everyone would not have a point of view or see anything in a different light, it all would be the same, we would all think alike.

  10. Watching a drama can take us places we would have never imagined to visit, feel, experience. It opens our minds to new possibilities, it enriches our lives.

  11. Stories and plays have a way of allowing you to explore new ways of life and ideas, and if you didn't go out into the world then you wouldn't have any stories of your own to share with others. Also I feel that going out into the real world trying new things out that are out of the norm will help you to find out the person you are ment to become. The real world can be far more better then television if your willing to explore it with a open mind.

  12. In today's world most people want to be entertained someway somehow. These ways of entertainment have ben around since the beginning of history. Entertainment started with random people telling stories thats how myths and fables were first created. Nowadays we do have TV and movies but it still is not the same as live drama which I believe is always needed in today's society. The real world comes with real problems and is not always stimulating which is why i feel that stories are get aways and fiction opens up our inner selves. Stories are great because we can always put our own twist on them or others can make it more exciting. Without stories I hink today's world wouldn't have as much excitement.
